Introducing the recipe ♪ This is the recipe posted on the package.
Introducing the freezing pack recipe for making and separating ♪ This is the recipe posted on the package.
Healthy Shiratama
Gomoku cooked beans
Miso ball
chicken dumpling
Grilled rice ball
Tomato sauce
Ajitama, Curry Ajitama
frying pan steamed bread
meat wrapped rice ball
Ingredients for three-color rice bowl
Healthy Shiratama
Gomoku cooked beans

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Miso ball
Chinese Steamed Dumplings

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chicken dumpling

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Grilled rice ball
Tomato sauce

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Ajitama, Curry Ajitama
frying pan steamed bread

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meat wrapped rice ball
Ingredients for three-color rice bowl

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Supervised by registered dietician Meiko Nakagawa
ヘルシー白玉 五目煮豆 味噌玉 シューマイ 鶏団子 餃子 焼きおにぎり トマトソース 味玉・カレー味玉 フライパン蒸しパン 肉巻きおにぎり 三食丼の具