Richell in numbers

company numbers

Start a business

Start a business

Founded in 1956.We continue to make “good products” based on our corporate philosophy.

Number of products

Number of products

We develop products in a wide range of fields such as household products, baby products, pet products, garden products, and nursing care products.

Good Design Award

Good Design Award

There are many products that have been highly evaluated for their design, function, and concept.

Product development overseas

Product development overseas

Currently expanding globally in China, South Korea, the United States, and Southeast Asia.

Paid acquisition

Average number of days taken for paid leave

I value my work and my private life.

Gender ratio

Gender ratio of employees

Both men and women are active. Employees in their 20s are 55% male and 45% female

Rate of taking childcare leave

Rate of taking childcare leave

everyone is back at work.Men also participate in childcare. Certified by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a “childcare support company”.

Kurumin mark
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